WRITING AS REVENGE is always a bad idea, and as much as I’ve said it, and genuinely believe it, it’s lovely to find someone who agrees with me, particularly since that someone is the fine and smart Jane Friedman, whose blog I list as one of the few blogs on writing I read all the time. Do you know Jane? Come meet her here.
The former managing editor and publisher of the great Writer’s Digest, Jane has written for newspapers, magazines, books, literary journals, zines, websites, and blogs, though she describes herself as a “bourbon drinking editor,” a phrase that made me laugh out loud when I first read it in her bio. I met her first on Twitter, and immediately became one of her more than 120,000 followers. She is, not to put too fine a point on it, a model for all of us seeking to use social media effectively.
So let me introduce you. She can be read here, which is where she recently published a piece on my irreverent little book, specifically my take on revenge.
My hope is that you’ll add hers to your favorite online writing sites, and read up on her fabulous free advice for writers.
Shirley says
Jane is fabulous. It’s been fun to observe her meteoric rise on Twitter. But she continues to respond to many of her loyal fans, despite having 120,000 followers. I enjoy her blog always and thought your post was excellent. I needed to read these words today. My memoir has never been about revenge, but it’s taking me a while to answer the question “what is it about”?
marion says
Hi, Shirley. Jane is fabulous. And i consider myself lucky to be getting to know her. So glad our cross-posting experience helped you. Please come back soon.