THERE MAY BE no greater honor than having another writer benefit from something I’ve written. But though I am always glad to hear from readers, I have rarely been as honored as I am to have the ever-wonderful Pamela Hodges state for the record that she has not only read my book, The Memoir Project, three times (three times!), but that my memoir tips in that book have been so very helpful to her that she wants to share it with her readers.
And so she has, in a column on The Write Practice. I am delighted, to say the least. See if her 19 Tips on Writing Memoir sparks you to go back to the desk and work. I hope so.
Barbie Beaton says
Hi Marion,
I am eager to read your book (Sold! To the lady in Montana). During a solo writing retreat in France, your advice from a video lifted my spirits from the crappy hostel room where I was staying. You taught me to write a powerful narrative by exposing my expertise. In the dingy room with a single bed, I wrote my childhood stories as the middle child. Bingo!
Can’t wait to read your book! Thank you for your expertise.
Sue Morris says
I’ve read your book over and over again. Working on my first memoir and I just loved your tips. So MUCH content in one little book. Thanks so much!